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September 13 2024 - BULLETIN - Saint Basil the Great Church, Los Gatos, CA

Friday, Sept. 13 is the pre-feast of the Exaltation of the Holy & Life-Giving Cross of Christ

VIGIL: Vespers-Divine Liturgy @ 7:00pm with veneration of the Cross (& relic of the Cross).

Saturdays: 4:30pm Confessions / 5:00pm Vespers (No Confessions or Vespers on September 14)

Weekly Scripture Study with Father Anthony: Via Zoom on Tuesdays @ 7pm.

Weekly Eastern Christian Spiritual Traditions class: Via Zoom on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm.

If you wish to be placed on the email list to receive the links for the online classes, please let Fr Anthony know by email:

Jesus Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!

Upcoming Events:


Sunday, Oct. 6, 2024: Parish Celebration of the Holy Protection of the Mother of God

9:15am Moleben to the Theotokos; 10:00am Divine Liturgy, Procession and Lunch.


Monday, Nov. 4, 2024: Vigil of Prayer for our Nation

Pre-Election Day: 7:00-8:00pm


Saturday, Nov. 23, 2024: Advent Day of Recollection and Prayer

9:30am to 2:30am. Divine Liturgy, two talks, free lunch, Confession, Closing Prayer service.


Keep Calm Jesus Prayer in color.png
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